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Yuma Area Ammonia Safety Day


Save the Date:

February 22, 2024











Thank you to the sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers that made 2023 a success.

Ammonia Is a Vital Chemical to Our Modern Lives

Come Learn to Respect This Chemical, and to Appreciate It


Sponsored by:

Local Businesses - Exhibitors

Local, State & Federal 
Public Safety Agencies


Presentation Topics:





















- Reminder - Why We are Here - A Review of Recent NH3 Accidents and Consequences
- Lithium-Ion Batteries and Energy Storage Systems
- Managing Medical Emergencies
- Planning for a Big One! A Review of the Table-Top Exercise Conducted 2/21/24
-Basics of Ammonia Refrigeration
- Playing it Safe at the Workplace
- Ammonia Monitoring Systems
- Fundamentos de la Refrigeracion por Amoniaco
- First Steps of Emergency Response - Clipboard Readiness Package Development
-Operacion de la Planta de Vacio


This community outreach brings to attendees greater ammonia awareness including both its benefits and hazards. We hosted more than 200 attendees in 2023, all of whom received important and practical knowledge about ammonia.


The purpose of  the Yuma Area Ammonia Safety Day is to provide individuals with the opportunity to receive information and training from agencies and safety professionals; to network with  professionals who are experts in their fields; and to develop relationships with vendors and others from the entire arena of the ammonia industry.
















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